The Ohio State University / MFA Creative Writing—Poetry

Johns Hopkins University / MA Creative Writing—Poetry

Alfred University / BA English Literature; Minor in Environmental Studies





Radiation King. Sandpoint, ID: Lost Horse Press, 2019.

Photographing Eden. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2009.


How to Paint the Savior Dead. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2007.

Adam & Eve Go to the Zoo. San Jose, CA: Dream Horse Press, 2003. (“Tower of Babel” reprinted on Verse Daily 5 Dec. 2003.

Individual Poems:

“Autumn, Amherst.” Iron Horse Literary Review (forthcoming).

“Firefly Ode.” Ecotone (forthcoming).

“First Image of a Black Hole.” Cincinnati Review (forthcoming).

“Shakespeare on Mars.” Greensboro Review 116 (Fall 2024): 39.

“The Day after Easter.” Bad Lilies Issue 19: Northern Sky (April 2024).

“My Brother’s Dog Finds a Rabbit, Dead, on Easter Morning” and “The Rabbit God in Its Repose.” Salvation South. March 30, 2024.

“The Moving Walkway Is Coming to an End.” Birmingham Poetry Review 51 (Spring 2024): 113–4.

“The North American Cuckoo.” Hampden-Sydney Review 49 (Winter 2024): 48–50.

“Letter from the Wooden Duck Decoy Your Ninth Grade Geometry Teacher Carved in the Back of the Room as You Struggled to Prove Things.” The Mississippi Review 51.3 (Winter 2024): 19.

“Nature.” Bear Review 9.2 (2023).

“Snake in the Door.” Literary Matters 15.2 (Winter 2023).

“Outer Banks: A Note.” Failbetter, December 29, 2022.

“Good Friday, 2020. Going Nowhere.” Smartish Pace 29 (2022): 90.

“God Gives Up the Sun.” Iron Horse Literary Review. 2019 PhotoFinish Issue (December 2019): 12–13.

“Blue Ghost.” Measure Review, October 20, 2019.

“The Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula),” and “National Park.” On the Seawall, August 6, 2019.

“Color Is an Event: Yellow” and “Color Is an Event: Blue.” Jet Fuel Review 16 (Fall 2018): 38–39.

“Letters to the Fire IV.” Sonora Review 73/74 (Fall 2018): 103.

“The Pillars of Creation.” Literary Matters 11.1 (Fall 2018).

“Ark & Aria” and “Letter from the Frozen City.” Ninth Letter Web Edition (Summer 2018).

“Able Archers,” “Biology II,” and “U.S. Radium’s Finest Personnel Man to the New Recruits.” The American Journal of Poetry 5 (July 2018).

“In the Crow’s Nest, Waiting to Drown.” Salamander 46 (Spring/Summer 2018): 40.

“Octopus” and “Tip of the Tongue.” Birmingham Poetry Review 45 (Spring 2018): 105–106.

“Doubt at Easter” and “Harmonium.” Image 94 (Winter 2017): 94–96.

“Fires.” South Dakota Review 53.2 (2017): 67.

“[atom]”x5. Botticelli. (Spring 2017): 42­–46.

“Relativity.” New Criterion 35.6 (February 2017): 32.

“Most of a Bear.” About Place (October 2016).

“I Can’t Get Over the Moon,” “Twilight,” and “We Are the Dearly Beloved.” Rust & Moth (Autumn 2016).

“The Crows Know Your Face.” Tampa Review 51/52 (2016): 112.

“[atom].” Hoot Review Postcard 57 (June 2016).

“County Fair.” Memorious 26 (Summer 2016).

“Listening to Glass.” The Hopkins Review 9.2 (Spring 2016): 203–204.

“Coal.” Cellpoems (Nov. 29, 2010).

“Belief” and “The Visible Spectra.” Kenyon Review (online) (Summer 2010).

“Cold Fusion,” “Exorcism,” “Invasive Species,” “Pomegranate,” and “Stout Villanelle.” Birmingham Poetry Review 37 (Spring 2010): 33–37.

“Spin-Off: Deepest, Where the Water Looks Most Green (Carl Phillips).” The Journal 33.1 (Spring/Summer 2009): 121.

“Bear.” Poetry Ireland Review 95 (2008): 41.

“Circus Circus.” River Styx 78 (2008): 72.

“The Snow Globe of Drowning Bears.” The Prague Revue 8 (Feb 2008): 43.

“Atlantis” and “Crossing the Border.” The American Poetry Review (Jan/Feb 2008): 46.

“Memento Amori” and “Stone Goddess.” Barrow Street (Winter 2006): 25–6.

“Love Song with Singing” and “The World’s First Photograph.” Confrontation 94/5 (Spring/Summer 2006): 235–6.

“Sciomancy” and “Year of the Hyenas.” The National Poetry Review 4 (Spring/Summer 2005): 22–3.

“My Daughter as the Angel Gabriel in the Tableau Vivant of Van Grap’s Annunciation.” Image 45 (Spring 2005): 20.

“Letter to the Unconverted.” The Kenyon Review 26.4 (Fall 2004): 50.

“The Little Sphinx.” Iron Horse Literary Review 6.1 (Fall 2004): 55–6.

“Ahoy!” American Poetry Journal 1.1 (Spring/Summer 2004): 35. (Reprinted on Verse Daily 21 July 2004.

“A Generic Pietà,” “The Old Balladeer Retires…,” and “You Put Your Right Hand In, You Take Your Left Hand Out.” Smartish Pace 9 (October 2003): 18–20.

“Chagall in Heaven.” 32 Poems 1.2 (Fall 2003): 14.

“Origami Zoo.” Washington Square 12 (Summer 2003): 59.

“Adam’s Tongue.” Literary Imagination 4.2 (Spring 2002): 212.

“The Nature Trail.” The Sewanee Theological Review 45.1 (Christmas 2001): 90–1.

“Adam & Eve Go to the Zoo.” The Threepenny Review 22.3 (Fall 2001): 3.

“Open Letter.” The Presbyterian Record 125.4 (April 2001): 46.

“The Snow Leopard.” Poetry 176.5 (August 2000): 270.


“Belief.” Without a Doubt: Poems Illuminating Faith. New York: NYQ Books (forthcoming).

“Tip of the Tongue.” New Poetry from the Midwest 2019. Grafton, WI: New American Press, 2021.

“The Pillars of Creation.” Dwarf Stars 2019. Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, 2019.

“Dear I.—” Two Weeks: A Digital Anthology of Contemporary Poetry. Linebreak, 2011.

8 poems. The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2009.

3 poems. The Next of Us Is About to Be Born. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2009.

“Tower of Babel.” FlatCity. Columbus, OH: FlatCity Press, 2005.

“Adam & Eve Go to the Zoo” and “The Snow Leopard.” And We the Creatures. San Jose, CA: Dream Horse Press, 2003. (“Adam & Eve Go to the Zoo” reprinted on Verse Daily 10 Feb. 2003


Personal Essays:

“Silent Night.” Harvard Divinity Bulletin 46.1-2 (Spring/Sumer 2018). Reprinted in Stars Shall Bend Their Voices. Ed. Jeffrey Johnson. Asheville, NC: Orison Books, 2018.

Critical Essays:

“‘The past was closed for restoration’: William Logan’s Eden-Haunted Poetry.” Birmingham Poetry Review 51 (Spring 2024): 6–17.

“Rick Bass.” American Writers: Supplement XVI. Ed. Jay Parini. New York: Scribner’s, 2006: 15–30.

“Winesburg, Ohio.” American Writers Classics. Vol. II. Ed. Jay Parini. New York: Scribner’s, 2004: 303–18.

“Long Day’s Journey into Night.” American Writers Classics. Vol. I. Ed. Jay Parini. New York: Scribner’s, 2003: 109–24.

Book Reviews:

“Twenty-First Century Lines: Carl Phillips, Leslie Harrison, and Shane McCrae.” Image 97 (Summer 2018): 103–112.

Things Are Disappearing Here by Kate Northrop. Cream City Review 33.1 (Spring 2009): 190–3.

“A First Look at James Hoch’s Second Book” (On Miscreants). Cream City Review 32.2 (Fall 2008): 172–174.

“Letters to the Hidden God: A Review of Mark Jarman’s Epistles.” The Southern Review 44.2 (Spring 2008): 368–74.

Muse in the Machine by T.R. Hummer and Interview with a Ghost by Tom Sleigh. The Southern Review 43.2 (Spring 2007): 479–81; 484–86.

“Looking Out and Looking In: Four Poets of Nature and the Spirit.The Cincinnati Review 2.2 (Spring 2006): 187–197.

The Sea by John Banville. The Missouri Review 29.3 (Spring 2006): 162–3.

This Minute by Jean Gallagher. The Journal 30.1 (Spring/Summer 2006): 130–1.

The Long Silence of the Mohawk Carpet Smokestacks by Steven Haven. Shenandoah 55.2 (Fall 2005): 155–7.

Chez Nous by Angie Estes. The National Poetry Review 5 (Fall/Winter 2005): 44–6.

Ocean by Neil Azevedo. The Journal 29.2 (Autumn/Winter 2005): 113–4.

The Clerk’s Tale by Spencer Reece. The National Poetry Review 4 (Spring/Summer 2005): 54–6.

To the Green Man by Mark Jarman. The Journal 29.1 (Spring/Summer 2005): 124–5.

Oracle Figures by Eric Pankey. Smartish Pace. 4 Nov. 2003.

The Lords of Misrule by X.J. Kennedy. Smartish Pace. 19 Feb. 2003.

The Darkness and the Light by Anthony Hecht. Smartish Pace. 30 Nov. 2002.

After All by William Matthews and Picnic, Lightning by Billy Collins. Prairie Schooner 75.1 (Spring 2001): 189–95.


Heather Lanier. The Writer’s Chronicle (February 2021): 42–45.

David Baker. The Writer’s Chronicle (May/Summer 2019): 14–24.

Mark Jarman. The Writer’s Chronicle (February 2007): 46–51.

Richard Wilbur. The Missouri Review 27.3 (Winter 2004): 35–48.



Freelance Writer & Editor, and Podcast Host, August 2023–present.

Associate Editor, Association of Writers & Writing Programs, College Park, MD, April 2022–July 2023.

Assistant Editor, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Durham, NC, November 2018–March 2022.

Associate Editor, Association of Writers & Writing Programs, Fairfax, VA, March 2015–March 2018.

Journals Manager, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI, March 2012–February 2015.

Journals Manager, The Ohio State University Press, Columbus, OH, March 2007–February 2012.



Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina, Dept. of English and Comparative Literature, Spring 2025.

Sonnet Workshop, North Carolina Poetry Society, September 19, 2020

Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University,  2004–2005

Adjunct Professor, Montgomery College, Spring & Summer 2003

Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, Fall 2001

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University, Spring 2001



“Autumn, Amherst,” Honorable Mention, Iron Horse Literary Review’s National Poetry Month contest, 2025.

Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center, October 2023.

Artist-in-Residence, Zion National Park, June 2023.

“The Day after Easter,” Highly Commended in the Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition 2023.

“Letter from the Wooden Duck Decoy…,” longlisted for the Poetry Society (UK) National Poetry Competition 2023.

“Snake in the Door,” finalist for Literary Matters’ 2022 Meringhoff Writing Awards.

“Good Friday, 2020. Going Nowhere,” second place Erskine J. Prize (Smartish Pace).

Winner of the 2018 Idaho Prize for Poetry.

“Tip of the Tongue” longlisted for Poetry Society (UK) National Poetry Competition 2016.

“Listening to Glass” longlisted for University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize 2015.

Walter E. Dakin Fellowship from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference (2012).

Winner of the 2008 Hollis Summers Prize.

Winner of 2006 Wick Chapbook Prize.

Thesis Fellowship from The Ohio State University (Winter 2006).

Winner of 2003 National Chapbook Prize from Dream Horse Press.

Twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize (“The Little Sphinx” by Iron Horse Literary Review and “Adam & Eve Go to the Zoo” by Dream Horse Press).

University Fellowship from The Ohio State University (2003–4).

Awarded a 2003 Individual Artist Award for Poetry from the Maryland State Arts Council.

Tennessee Williams Scholar from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference (2002).



Bull City Press House Party Reading Series, Durham, NC, April 13, 2020.

Fall for the Book, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, October 12, 2019.

4 on 4th Series, Bookmarks, Winston-Salem, NC, September 25, 2019.

Second Sundays Poetry Series, Flyleaf Books, Chapel Hill, NC, August 11, 2019.

MostArts Festival, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, July 13, 2019.

Poetrio, Malaprop’s Bookstore, Asheville, NC, July 7, 2019.

Hot L Baltimore Reading Series, Bird in Hand, Baltimore, MD, June 9, 2019.

Politics & Prose, Washington, DC, June 9, 2019.

Charlottesville Reading Series, New Dominion Bookshop, Charlottesville, VA, May 17, 2019.

So & So Reading Series, CAM Raleigh, Raleigh, NC, May 16.

Radiation King Launch Reading at The Crunkleton, Chapel Hill, NC, April 28, 2019.

Visiting Writers Series, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, April 5, 2019.

Lost Horse Press Reading @AWP Conference, Cardinal Club, Portland, OR, March 28, 2019. 

Inner Loop Reading Series, Colony Club, Washington, DC, July 12, 2016.

Bridge Poetry Series, Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, WI, November 13, 2014.

Eat Local::Read Local, Harvest, Madison, WI, April 21, 2014.

Eat Local::Read Local, Café Hollander, Milwaukee, WI, April 1, 2014.

Paging Columbus Reading Series, OSU Urban Arts Space, Columbus, OH, April 17, 2011.

Café Muse Reading Series, Chevy Chase, MD, April 5, 2010.

Wick Poetry Center Anniversary Reading, AWP Conference, Chicago, IL, February 13, 2009.

Oxford Magazine Reading Series, Miami University, Oxford, OH, February 6, 2009.

Barnes & Noble Lennox Town Center, Columbus, OH, January 22, 2009.

Photographing Eden Book Launch, Surly Girl Cafe, Columbus, OH, January, 2009.

OSU Creative Writing Program Alumni/Student ReadingColumbus, OH, Oct. 11, 2008.

Comfest, Columbus, OH, June 28, 2008.

Columbus Arts Festival, Columbus, OH, June 7, 2008.

Wick Poetry Center, Kent State University, Kent, OH, February 14, 2008.

OSU Library ReadAloudWexner Center, Columbus, OH, September 15, 2007.

Barnes & Noble Lennox Town Center, Columbus, OH, October 30, 2007.

Red Weather Reading Series, Penn State University, State College, PA, September 13, 2007.

Café Muse Reading Series, Chevy Chase, MD, April 9, 2007.

Writers’ Harvest, Ruby Tuesday, Columbus, OH, November 17, 2005.

FlatCity Anthology Launch, Columbus, OH, July 30, 2005.

Mother Tongue, Barley’s Underground, Columbus, OH, May 2005.

Student/Faculty Reading Series, 311 Denney Hall, Columbus, OH, November 2004.

Smartish Pace Reading Series, Contemporary Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, March 2004.

Mother Tongue, Barley’s Underground, Columbus, OH, November 2003.

Writers’ Harvest, Ruby Tuesday, Columbus, OH, November 2003.

Harford Poetry and Literary Society, Rockfield Manor House, Bel Air, MD, August 2002.

MD State Arts Council Reading, ArtsFest, Baltimore, MD, July 2002.

Candid Yak, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, October 1998.

Honors Thesis Reading, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, December 1997.



Manuscript Screener, AWP Book Awards, May 2018.

Judge, David Citino Undergraduate Poetry Award (Ohio State), 2017.

Visiting PoetUniversity of Toledo, September 16, 2008.

Manuscript Screener, AWP Book Awards, March 2008.

Coeditor, Unsplendid,, 2007–2017.

Visiting Poet, Alfred University Writing Conference, Alfred, NY, March 31–April 2, 2006.

Visiting Writer, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI, December 8, 2005.

Associate Poetry Editor, The Journal, Columbus, OH, 2005–06.

Advertising Assistant, OSU Creative Writing Dept., Columbus, OH, 2005–06.

Poetry Review Editor, The Journal, Columbus, OH, 2003–05.

Organizer, OSU Creative Writing Dept. Student/Faculty Reading Series, 2004–06.

Organizer, Mother Tongue Reading Series, Columbus, OH, 2004–05.

Manuscript Screener, OSU Press’s Poetry and Short Fiction prizes, 2003–06.

JudgeZeniada’s Fiction Contest, Spring 2001.

Organizer, Graduate Student Reading Series, Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 2000–01.